Teach Respect.
Model Empathy.
Inspire Action.
There are countless inspiring documentaries that spotlight animal issues, health, and the environment. You just need to search the internet to find them.
With that said, I'd like to recommend the films listed below as kind of a "vegan documentary starter kit." I know that you'll find them extremely informative and at times, jaw-dropping. Be sure to visit my site again, as I will be adding more important documentaries to the list.
Check the internet for viewing options and streaming if no direct link is offered below.
THE GAME CHANGERS explores health, athletic performance, food, and protein; by executive producers Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, James Cameron; director Louie Psihoyos.
WHAT THE HEALTH explores the food and health industries and the impact of the consumption of animals on our health; by executive producer, Leonardo Di Caprio; directors Kip Anderson, Keegan Kuhn.
EATING OUR WAY TO EXTINCTION explores the true cost of eating animals by revealing the impact that animal agriculture and a meat-eating diet is having on our planet; by producers Otto and Ludo Brockway; narrated by Kate Winslet, featuring Richard Branson, Tony Robbins. Click on this link for description and streaming services.
FORKS OVER KNIVES examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the chronic diseases that afflict us can be controlled or even reversed by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.
COWSPIRACY explores the environmental impact of animal agriculture; executive producer Leonardo Di Caprio, directors Kip Anderson, Keegan Kuhn.
SEASPIRACY explores the environmental impact of fishing; producer Kip Anderson; director Ali Tabrizi.
EARTHLINGS explores our use of animals as food, clothing, and entertainment; narrated by Joaquin Phoenix; music by Moby, director Shaun Monson. NOTE: AS PER THE MESSAGE AT THE START OF THE DOCUMENTARY, “…VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.”
THE INVISIBLE VEGAN explores the historical dietary patterns in the African American community from slavery to the present day; directors Jasmine and Kenny Leyva. To learn more about the documentary and meet the cast, go to theinvisiblevegan.com.
#FORNATURE by Greta Thunberg explores our relationship with nature (5-minutes); producer Gripping Films Production; director Tom Mustill.
PEACEABLE KINGDOM explores a crisis of conscience experienced by several farmers questioning their inherited way of life. Growing more and more connected to individual animals under their care, they struggle to do what is right, despite overwhelming social and economic pressure to follow tradition; producer James LaVeck; director Jenny Stein.
A PRAYER FOR COMPASSION strives to inspire and encourage those already on a religious or spiritual path, to expand their circle of compassion to embrace all life, regardless of species, and make choices in alignment with this value; producer and director Thomas Wade.